infermieristica journal | Volume 3 Issue 2

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infermieristica journal (ij) is a peer-reviewed international scientific journal, promoting the development and exchange of knowledge relevant to nursing research and practice. ij supports Evidence Based Clinical Practice (EBP), encourages and promotes critical debate on nursing art and science. The journal particularly welcomes studies that aim to evaluate and understand complex health interventions and health policies, employing rigorous study designs and methods appropriate to the research question. Furthermore, the journal also undertakes to make a contribution to the development of research, also through methodological articles, on analytical techniques and measurements. The journal publishes original, English-language, peer-reviewed articles of interest to the international health community. The journal will feature clinical trials, editorial, qualitative and quantitative research. ij supports evidence-based clinical practice, encourages, and promotes critical debate about the art and science of nursing.

We decided to print in limited edition of Volume 3 Issue 2 only 50 printed numbers. The special issue is dedicated to the topic of vascular accesses. The author of the editorial for this issue is Timothy R. Spencer, president of the World Congress on Vascular Access (WoCoVA). The poster “Evolution of Vascular Access”, which chronicles the history of all-time leading experts in the field of vascular access, is included as a gift for this issue.

What are you going to support by buying the print edition? 

In addition to having one of the very few copies of the journal printed edition, with your contribution you will be able to support the entire project. Indeed, infermieristica Editore group will be able to guarantee the sustainability of the initiative from the logistical and organizational standpoint. In addition, you will help to initiate new collective projects, such as funding research groups and producing single-topic manuscripts, aimed at updating professionals in every discipline, not just nursing. The issue will be shipped by June 22, 2024.

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A new journal, in addition to satisfying scientific quality standards necessary for its publication, needs visibility in order to be known nationally and internationally. Join the group of ij ambassadors and grow professionally. There are many benefits for ij ambassadors, both inherent to the publishing project and the learning project. Send an email to

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